
Hello! I'm Natalia and this is my blog all about Pokemon! :D This is a blog dedicated to Pokemon, so if you want me to draw a Pokemon, or have a special request about a post, tell me by a comment. I'll try to update as much as I can, ok ^-^?

Thanks for reading, and enjoy my blog!


Monday, November 24, 2014

An Update!!!!

Hallo! Natalia here, and i just wanted to inform you guys that I may start posting up a series on here on Pokemon Hunger games. I was just bored one day, and the idea just came to me. Please leave a comment if I should post it because my poll is acting weird, so i can't edit it. -_- If you guys have any ideas for it (or if I should even do it) leave a comment, and i will talk to you!
Thanks for reading and have a great day/night! ^-^

Pokemon #335 Zangosse

Name: Zangosse
Type: Normal
Generation: 3
Pokedex entry (From Pokemon Alpha Sapphire): "Zangoose usually stays on all fours, but when angered, it gets up on its hind legs and extends its claws. This Pokémon shares a bitter rivalry with Seviper that dates back over generations."
Evolution chart:
Soooooooo...... My laptop is acting up, so I can't give you guys the stat chart at the moment. I will put the link in this article. Anyways, I like zangoose, but i have never used one before so i don't really know how it works. :P lol
(A/N): Sorry i haven't posted in a long time! School has been quite hectic the past couple weeks since I'm sill getting used to waking up so early on Tuesdays for my student council meetings =-=. Also, ORAS came out on Friday, YAAAYYY!!! 8D Hope you guys are enjoying the game. 

Thanks for reading and have a great day/night! ^-^

Stat Chart: http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/zangoose

Sunday, November 2, 2014

*Halloween + Día de los muertos special* Pokemon # 711 Gourgeist

Name: Gourgeist
Type: Grass/Ghost
Generation: 6
Pokedex entry (From Pokemon Y.... O-O): "It enwraps its prey in its hairlike arms. It sings joyfully as it observes the suffering of its prey."
Evolution Chart:
 Ghost  Grass 
Pal Pad
First evolution
 Ghost  Grass 
Stats/Comments: I haven't used gourgeist, so i don't know how well it does in battle. Its stats vary, so again, I cannot say what is the plus side, or down side. All I can truly say is that its defense is a base 122 for all sizes.
(A/N): Sorry i didn't update this on Halloween day! I was up trick-or-treating, and watching a parade till around 11PM. I was super tired when i came home, so I hope you guys understand. :) Anyways, Happy (late) Halloween, and have a good day/night! ^-^

Also, good job for anyone who gets this. XD