
Hello! I'm Natalia and this is my blog all about Pokemon! :D This is a blog dedicated to Pokemon, so if you want me to draw a Pokemon, or have a special request about a post, tell me by a comment. I'll try to update as much as I can, ok ^-^?

Thanks for reading, and enjoy my blog!


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Pokemon #003 Venusaur *Special*

Generation: 1
Type: Grass/Poison
Pokedex entry (from Pokemon Red/Blue): "The plant blooms when it is absorbing solar energy. It stays on the move to seek sunlight."
Evolution chain: 
 Grass  Poison 
Rare Candy
Level 16
First evolution
 Grass  Poison 
Rare Candy
Level 32
Second evolution
 Grass  Poison 

Stats/Comments: Venusuar has a decent special attack, and defense of 100, but has a slow speed of 80. It's mega evolution makes up for this by boosting it's defense and special attack. Like Pangoro, I haven't used this Pokemon in the games, so I can't say i can recommend it, or not. 
With this, thanks for reading. This entry is for my other friend Elyse Happy (Belated) B-day! I hope you and your sister Claire enjoy the entries i made for you guys! So, have a great day/night ^-^

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