
Hello! I'm Natalia and this is my blog all about Pokemon! :D This is a blog dedicated to Pokemon, so if you want me to draw a Pokemon, or have a special request about a post, tell me by a comment. I'll try to update as much as I can, ok ^-^?

Thanks for reading, and enjoy my blog!


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Pokemon #620 Mienshao

Generation: 5
Type: Fighting
Pokedex Entry (From Pokemon Black): "It wields the fur on its arms like a whip. Its arm attacks come with such rapidity that they cannot even be seen."
Evolution Chart: 
Rare Candy
Level 50
First evolution

Stats/Comments: I have to say that Mienshao is one of my favorite Pokemon, one of the first in my team to beat the Pokemon League, and was one of the first Pokemon in Pokemon Black to reach level 100. It's attack is 125, and it's speed is 105. However, it's defense and special defense are only at 60. It has a amazing move pull  learning moves such as Stone Edge, and Acrobatics. This is a Fighting type that I truly recommend. As a side note, my Mienshao is shiny.
As always, thanks for reading and have a great day/night! ^-^

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Pokemon #003 Venusaur *Special*

Generation: 1
Type: Grass/Poison
Pokedex entry (from Pokemon Red/Blue): "The plant blooms when it is absorbing solar energy. It stays on the move to seek sunlight."
Evolution chain: 
 Grass  Poison 
Rare Candy
Level 16
First evolution
 Grass  Poison 
Rare Candy
Level 32
Second evolution
 Grass  Poison 

Stats/Comments: Venusuar has a decent special attack, and defense of 100, but has a slow speed of 80. It's mega evolution makes up for this by boosting it's defense and special attack. Like Pangoro, I haven't used this Pokemon in the games, so I can't say i can recommend it, or not. 
With this, thanks for reading. This entry is for my other friend Elyse Happy (Belated) B-day! I hope you and your sister Claire enjoy the entries i made for you guys! So, have a great day/night ^-^

Pokemon #675 Pangoro *Special*

Generation: 6
Type: Fighting/Dark
Pokedex Entry ( from Pokemon Y): "It charges ahead and bashes its opponents like a berserker, uncaring about any hits it might take. Its arms are mighty enough to snap a telephone pole."
Evolution Chain:
Rare Candy + Dark
Level 32
with a Dark-type in the party
First evolution
 Fighting  Dark 
Stats/Comments: Pangoro is a pretty decent Pokemon to have in your party. With a attack as high as 124, but this causes a low speed of 58. I have never used Pangoro, so I can't say if I had a good experience with this Pokemon or not. with this, it's a decent Pokemon to have on your team. 

Thanks for reading my my blog, and Happy (Belated) B-day to my friend Claire. I made this entry just for you! So, thanks again and have a great day/night! ^-^

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pokemon #523 Zebstrika

Generation: 5
Typing: Electric
Pokedex Entry (From Black/White 2): "When this ill-tempered Pokémon runs wild, it shoots lightning from its mane in all directions."
Evolution chart:
Rare Candy
Level 27
First evolution
Stats/Comments: I personally think that Zebstrika is a pretty decent Pokemon to have.It has high speed, but has very low defense and special defense. I recommend this Pokemon as a good, solid electric type that can learn moves such as flame charge, rain dance, and thunder.

As always thanks for reading my blog, and start commenting on what Pokemon i should post about next. Have a great day/night! ^-^

Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 4th Special: #628 Braviary

Pokemon Number #628 Braviary *July 4th Special*
Braviary flavor – Pokémon #628 - veekun
Generation: 5
Type: Normal/Flying
Pokedex entry (from Pokemon White): "The more scars they have, the more respect these brave soldiers of the sky get from their peers"
Stats/Comments:I love Braviary!! ^-^ I love it as a Pokemon, and recommend it as a good attacker, but it has very poor special attack. Also this is one of my favorite Pokemon. I hoped you guys enjoyed the 4th yesterday (for anyone in the states) i know i did! With this have a great day/night!
BTW, I praise you if you get this picture:
HetaPoke- America+Braviary by FrozenSeashell on deviantART