
Hello! I'm Natalia and this is my blog all about Pokemon! :D This is a blog dedicated to Pokemon, so if you want me to draw a Pokemon, or have a special request about a post, tell me by a comment. I'll try to update as much as I can, ok ^-^?

Thanks for reading, and enjoy my blog!


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

*Holiday Special* 25 Random Facts About Myself

  1. As you can tell, my favorite Pokemon is eevee and its evolutions
  2. My favorite color is Light Blue
  3. I hate Frozen (Don't kill me)
  4. I don't like cake very much, but i like cupcakes
  5. I have a very good relationship with my little brother
  6. My favorite subject is Reading
  7. My least favorite subject is Math
  8. I take MMA, and I'm very good at it
  9. I still keep in touch with friends I've had since preschool
  10. Following that, we all get together once a year at my place
  11. My favorite type of food is Italian
  12. I was allergic to apples when i was younger, but I'm not anymore
  13. I never gotten stung by a bee
  14. Besides Pokemon, I also play Minecraft, Animal Crossing, Tomodachi Life, and The Legend Of Zelda just to name a few
  15. I played FNAF (I never made it past the 3rd night)
  16. I find clowns very creepy
  17. I like the night better than the morning
  18. I don't have many friends
  19. The friends I do have are really awesome
  20. I procrastinate a lot
  21. Besides Pokemon, I like Hetalia, Vocaliod (I hope I spelled that right), Minecraft, and the Hunger Games
  22. I'm an avid reader
  23. My favorite books are the Hunger Games, Divergent, The Mortal Instruments, and Maximum Ride
  24. I like to draw
  25. One of my really good friends lives in Mexico, and we still keep in touch
Bonus: I'm a Latina
A/N: Sorry for not updating last week! I have failed my present.... Sorry.... ;( Hope this makes up for it! Also check out my friend on Deviant Art!  http://sword-wielding-gamer.deviantart.com/ 

Thanks for reading, happy new year, and have a great day/night!

Monday, December 22, 2014

*Special* Pokemon #136 Flareon

Name: Flareon
Pokedex entry (From Pokemon HeartGold): "It stores some of the air it inhales in its internal flame pouch, which heats it to over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit."
Evolution chart:
Stats/Comments: I didn't use flareon in any of the main games. However, I did use one in Pokemon Conquest, and it was great! In conquest, Flareon will be very useful in Nixtorm, which is an Ice type kingdom. I also use one in Pokemon showdown on my OU team. Anyways, It has good Attack at a base 130, and Special defense at 110. Its defense is at a base 60, so its not very good against physical water-type moves like Waterfall. 

A/N: This is a late birthday gift for my friend Juan. Happy (late) Birthday! Also, if you want to challenge me in Showdown, just gimmie a shout! My username is Slushy 526. Just post a comment, and we can talk. 

Anyways, Thanks for reading and have a great day/night! ^-^

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Pokemon #678 Mewostic

Pokemon: Mewostic
Type: Psychic
Generation: 6
Pokedex entry (From Pokemon X): "When in danger, it raises its ears and releases enough psychic power to grind a 10-ton truck to dust."
Evolution Chart:
Not working, so here is the link: http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/meowstic
Stats/comments: I haven't use mewostic competitively, or in regular game play, so i don't know how it works. My brother used it, and he said it was pretty good.  Its speed is 108, and its special attack is 83. However, its attack is horrible at a measly 48. Oh, well. 

A/N: I'm super sorry for not updating more often! The season has been super busy with Christmas around the corner. So, as your Christmas gift, I will update ever day from today leading up to Christmas. Yay! :D 

Anyways, thanks for reading and have a great day/night! ^-^

Monday, November 24, 2014

An Update!!!!

Hallo! Natalia here, and i just wanted to inform you guys that I may start posting up a series on here on Pokemon Hunger games. I was just bored one day, and the idea just came to me. Please leave a comment if I should post it because my poll is acting weird, so i can't edit it. -_- If you guys have any ideas for it (or if I should even do it) leave a comment, and i will talk to you!
Thanks for reading and have a great day/night! ^-^

Pokemon #335 Zangosse

Name: Zangosse
Type: Normal
Generation: 3
Pokedex entry (From Pokemon Alpha Sapphire): "Zangoose usually stays on all fours, but when angered, it gets up on its hind legs and extends its claws. This Pokémon shares a bitter rivalry with Seviper that dates back over generations."
Evolution chart:
Soooooooo...... My laptop is acting up, so I can't give you guys the stat chart at the moment. I will put the link in this article. Anyways, I like zangoose, but i have never used one before so i don't really know how it works. :P lol
(A/N): Sorry i haven't posted in a long time! School has been quite hectic the past couple weeks since I'm sill getting used to waking up so early on Tuesdays for my student council meetings =-=. Also, ORAS came out on Friday, YAAAYYY!!! 8D Hope you guys are enjoying the game. 

Thanks for reading and have a great day/night! ^-^

Stat Chart: http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/zangoose

Sunday, November 2, 2014

*Halloween + Día de los muertos special* Pokemon # 711 Gourgeist

Name: Gourgeist
Type: Grass/Ghost
Generation: 6
Pokedex entry (From Pokemon Y.... O-O): "It enwraps its prey in its hairlike arms. It sings joyfully as it observes the suffering of its prey."
Evolution Chart:
 Ghost  Grass 
Pal Pad
First evolution
 Ghost  Grass 
Stats/Comments: I haven't used gourgeist, so i don't know how well it does in battle. Its stats vary, so again, I cannot say what is the plus side, or down side. All I can truly say is that its defense is a base 122 for all sizes.
(A/N): Sorry i didn't update this on Halloween day! I was up trick-or-treating, and watching a parade till around 11PM. I was super tired when i came home, so I hope you guys understand. :) Anyways, Happy (late) Halloween, and have a good day/night! ^-^

Also, good job for anyone who gets this. XD

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Pokemon #134 Vaporeon

Name: Vaporeon
Generation: 1
Type: Water
Pokedex entry: (From Pokemon Yellow): "Its cell structure is similar to water molecules. It will melt away and become invisible in water."
Evolution Chart:
Water Stone
Water Stone
First evolution
Stats/Comments: I love the eeveelutions, so I have used vaporeon. It's HP is at a base 130, and its special attack is at a base 110. However, its speed and attack are at a base 65. The only reason that I used vaporeon is in Pokemon Showdown, so I truly just go with whatever ev set it gives me.... -_-

Anyways, Thanks for reading, and have a great day/night! ^-^

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

*100 View Special* Pokemon #038 Ninetales

Name: Ninetales
Generation: 1
Type: Fire
Pokedex entry (From Pokemon Red and Blue): "Very smart and very vengeful. Grabbing one of its many tails could result in a 1000-year curse".
Evolution Chart: 
Fire Stone
Fire Stone
First evolution

Stats/Comments: I love Ninetales! It's Special defense and speed are 100, but it's HP is 73. I have used ninetales, and i definitely recommend it.

So sorry I haven't been updating! ;-; I have just been SUPER busy with school starting and i just haven't found the time. I will try to update more when I can. Also, my blog has reached 100 viewers! Thanks for all of you guys that read this! It means a lot to me. :3 

Anyways, thanks for reading and have a great day/night! ^-^

Friday, August 29, 2014

Pokemon #685 Slurpluff

Type: Fairy
Generation: 6
Pokedex entry (From Pokemon X): "It can distinguish the faintest of scents. It puts its sensitive sense of smell to use by helping pastry chefs in their work."
Evolution Line:
Pal Pad + Whipped Dream
holding Whipped Dream
First evolution
Stats/Comments: In my personal experience, Slurpluff is a pretty decent Pokemon. Since i own a copy of Pokemon X, i got mine from trade. It has 82 HP, but its speed stat is 72. I just find Slurpluff as a collector's Pokemon for filling up the Pokedex then for battle. I just love it because it's just soooo CUTE!!!! ^-^

Thanks for reading! Sorry I haven't benn posting for a while. I just been SUPER busy since I've been traveling around a TON this summer. I hope this entry make u guys feel better! Anyways for my readers in the U.S.A, Happy (Early) Labor Day!!!! Again thanks for reading and have a great day/night! ^-^

Friday, August 1, 2014

Pokemon #466 Eletricvire

Type: Electric
Pokedex Entry (From Pokemon Diamond/Pearl): "It pushes the tips of its two tails against the foe, then lets loose with over 20,000 volts of power."
Evolution Chart:
Baby form

Rare Candy
Level 30
First evolution
holding Electirizer
Second evolution
Stats/Comments: Eletricvire attack stat is an incredible at a base stat of 123, making it the most powerful electric-type Pokemon to use physical attacks. Sadly, it has a low defense stat of 67. I haven't used eletricvire, but I may use it someday. Anyways, Pokemon Trainer Sunday is coming up this Sunday, so get ready!
Thanks for reading, good luck for anyone doing Pokemon Trainer Sunday (Like myself), and have a great day/night! ^-^


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Pokemon #620 Mienshao

Generation: 5
Type: Fighting
Pokedex Entry (From Pokemon Black): "It wields the fur on its arms like a whip. Its arm attacks come with such rapidity that they cannot even be seen."
Evolution Chart: 
Rare Candy
Level 50
First evolution

Stats/Comments: I have to say that Mienshao is one of my favorite Pokemon, one of the first in my team to beat the Pokemon League, and was one of the first Pokemon in Pokemon Black to reach level 100. It's attack is 125, and it's speed is 105. However, it's defense and special defense are only at 60. It has a amazing move pull  learning moves such as Stone Edge, and Acrobatics. This is a Fighting type that I truly recommend. As a side note, my Mienshao is shiny.
As always, thanks for reading and have a great day/night! ^-^

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Pokemon #003 Venusaur *Special*

Generation: 1
Type: Grass/Poison
Pokedex entry (from Pokemon Red/Blue): "The plant blooms when it is absorbing solar energy. It stays on the move to seek sunlight."
Evolution chain: 
 Grass  Poison 
Rare Candy
Level 16
First evolution
 Grass  Poison 
Rare Candy
Level 32
Second evolution
 Grass  Poison 

Stats/Comments: Venusuar has a decent special attack, and defense of 100, but has a slow speed of 80. It's mega evolution makes up for this by boosting it's defense and special attack. Like Pangoro, I haven't used this Pokemon in the games, so I can't say i can recommend it, or not. 
With this, thanks for reading. This entry is for my other friend Elyse Happy (Belated) B-day! I hope you and your sister Claire enjoy the entries i made for you guys! So, have a great day/night ^-^